About Us

Atlas is a handcrafted fashion show designed to elevate small, local clothing brands in Phoenix.

The show strives to lower the barrier of entry into the fashion world and make it more accessible for young designers, models, creatives and all who want to experience what the fashion world has to offer. The show breeds an environment for those involved to showcase the gifts they’ve been given.

Atlas operates on a twice a year basis, hosting in the Spring and Fall. Each show is themed with an audience dress code, setting the ambiance and creating a unique experience. The night doesn’t stop with the show but offers a chance to meet the designers during the post show party where food and drinks from local vendors are provided.

Atlas is an example of how the fashion world in Arizona is growing and is on the leading edge of what’s happening in the Valley. Hope to see you soon.

We are


to the community. Continuously creating opportunity to expand our horizons with who is involved with production and always looking to our audience to see who we can introduce to the fashion world.


to our mission and our vision. Consistently brainstorming ways to create more opportunities without compromising our values; giving designers a low-barrier to entry and keeping the show an atmosphere that "you could bring your kids to."


to work towards growing the fashion community in the Valley through partnerships with aligned brands and to take intentional steps to grow with our audience as each Season progresses.

Our team

Tap symbols to see our team members.
Logan Glennie
Founder & CEO

Founded on the idea of curating a raw space for desingers to shed a light on their work, Logan has changed the dymanic of the fashion industry within The Valley. As the founder of Atlas Handcrafted, Logan sets the tone for each season with intricate vision while directing a tactfully talented team of creators to activate one of Phoenix’s fastest growing and ever evolving fashion shows. Logan spends his time partnering with like-minded creators and every once in a while serving it up on the tennis courts.

Havilah Houston
Project Manager

Our chief organizer, keeping things in line and people on track. You could say Havilah is the oil that keeps the Atlas engine running. Every detail matters, and she keeps track of them diligently. If you talk to Havilah over a long weekend or even in the middle of a work week, she is most likely traveling seeing the world.

Jessica Schneider
Team Mom

Our all around team player who can fill any need in any situation. Need a snack? Need some encouragement? Or even someone to organize the after party? Jess is the person you want on your team, a true hero working behind the scenes. Jess loves a good book, playing cards, and is always on the lookout for the next best food spot in the valley.

Zane Pasley
Creative Director

A brilliant creative mind that Atlas calls its own. All the creative direction and execution falls to Zane, where time and time again he pushes the boundaries to their limits. Zane really loves projectors, spending time outside, and creating his own art.

Lily Dehaan
Designer Liason

Once a designer herself, she knows all the ins and outs of what it's like to design and prepare for a runway show. Lily makes sure those who design and show their work have everything they need. Working with many who have never been a part of a production, her role is crucial to their success! On her own time, Lily loves home projects, hitting the gym, and all things fashion.

Austin Gudzak
Business Relations

Teamwork is important to Atlas and sometimes that means partnering with aligned brands! Austin facilitates these relationships for the show and gives Atlas incredible opportunities to work with people we love. If you want to connect with Atlas, Austin is the man to know. Outside of Atlas you can find him making his own music, at a concert, or getting active with his friends!

Kyle Eggers

Kyle's really good with money and also has a personality. A rare find that was a must add to the Atlas team. He directs and executes our budget flawlessly making sure we're always making the right money move. He likes to hang out with his wife, golf, and regrets getting his wife a cat.

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